Blue Light Blue - making the most of our cultural landscape
Blue Light Blue is offered at a cross-roads where the arts, artists and creative processes are supporting the care, development and growth of our most vulnerable,
and potentially most valuable young people.
The arts are recognised for their ability to help improve self-expression, -confidence,
-motivation. Participation in the arts give young people a voice, helps articulate their story, make sense of the world and achieve understanding, build trust and articulate aspiration. Our programme uses these attributes as tools to address challenges to mental well-being and helps with first steps towards a wider horizon of support and encouragement.
This bespoke scheme, of participatory creative workshops, visits to arts events and supported engagement with cultural venues, involves young people exploring and co-designing best practice in arts and mental well-being provision. It helps them develop an individualised programme of activity in line with UK movements in self-directed care.
We take a Social Pedagogy approach to our delivery and are supported by child psychology inputs to underscore the value creativity as a tool for learning, development and emotional well-being.