THE CULTURE CLUB - accessing Scotland's arts scene ...

Our Culture Club creates regular points of access to arts, creative and cultural activity across the Glasgow.
During lockdown our activities moved online and we made virtual visits to museums, galleries and cinemas. This involved a wider group of young people, who were very discriminating in their choice of event since the digital world became our oyster. The shift highlighted how much we miss being together, seeing friends and enjoying live performance and cultural experiences as a group. So we are thrilled to be planning the new programme and looking at activities for the coming spring and summer.
Into 2022, with the support of the People's Health Lottery, we will continue to arrange a variety of cultural activities building upon the principles we have learned from our research with Abertay University: that young people prefer attending events with their peers, to understand the context of the performance as well as the place of performance, having refreshments provided at the interval and other supports as required. They also like to meet the artists, find out more about the events and take part in engaging workshops.
If you are interested in joining Culture Club, or recommending a young person to do so, then
please get in touch with us on 0141 416 4105.